Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Christmas at Kew Gardens

I have recently moved to London and I am slowly working my way through the typical London activities that a tourist should do... The London Eye, Big Ben, Oxford Street etc.  One of my favourite activities is Kew Royal Botanical Gardens.  For those of you who haven't been, it is a beautiful public garden situated in central London near Richmond.  Now that the weather is colder and Winter is definitely nipping at your toes, the thought of walking around outside doesn't really appeal; until I saw an advertisement for Christmas at Kew Gardens 2013.  It promises illuminated trails, carol singers and a festive christmas village/shop area.

It mostly lived up to its promise.  Tickets cost £12.50 for an adult, but after you have added on booking fees and surcharges it is more around the £15 mark.  I booked my tickets for the late evening, but a lot of other people decided to do that too!  The bustling atmosphere only enhanced my curiosity at what was to come.  The illuminated trail took approximately an hour and a half to walk around and this was at a very casual evening stroll pace.  The trail was scattered with paper lanterns, beautiful scenery and interactive break stations.  I wouldn't say "as twilight falls, the magic begins..." but it was certainly nice.  I am not an avid photographer (unless you count my iPhone snaps!), but there was ample opportunity to take unusual scenic shots of illuminated trees.  Exhibit A.

The whole experience was enjoyable for a nice Winter's evening tourist activity, even if it did lack christmas trees and carol singers.  At least it wasn't raining!

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